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Thursday, February 4, 2010

Psički, psi in zverine - Doggys, dogs and beasts

Danes bom malo razmišljala o tragediji v zvezi z bulmastifi, ki se je Slovencem pripetila.....kaj naj rečem?? Tragedija na večih nivojih......Največja seveda za lastnika, ki je šel predaleč v svoji "ljubezni" do psov, tragedija tudi za človeka, ki so ga že leta 2006 pogrizli ta isti psi in ni dobil nobene kompenzacije za to, tragedija za vse sodne in izvršne veje oblasti, ki niso bile sposobne (ali pa zaradi "prijateljskih vezi" niso hotele) izvršiti usmrtitve psov, tragedija za strokovnjake in trenerje, da niso bili sposobni lastniku dokazati da so ti psi zaradi svoje narave in skupnega življenja NEOBVLADLJIVE ZVERI, tragedija tudi za vse lastnike takih psov, ki bodo zdaj zaradi te zgodbe "šikanirani" in na koncu tragedija tudi za te pse, ki pač zaradi svoje narave ne morejo biti drugačni in je pač na človeku da jih vzgoji pravilno, če pa se ne dajo vzgojiti pa jih pravočasno evtanizira! Skratka dragi Slovenci upam, da vas je ta zgodba, ta velika tragedija česa naučila!

Today I will be writing about the tragedy that happened here in Slovenia with the bullmastiffs....what can I say?.....A big tragedy on many levels......most tragic for the owner of the bullmastiffs who went too far with his love for the animals that in the end killed him, it was also really tragic for the man that has been attacked by the same dogs in 2006 and never got a compensation, also tragic for all the officials - politicians and judges who were not able ( or didn't want to, because of their friendship with the owner ) to have the dogs put down so many years ago, tragic for all the specialists and dog trainers who were not able to convince the owner that these dogs are ( because of their nature and the fact that they live together) DANGEROUS BEASTS, it is also tragic for all the owners of bullmastifs who will not find it easy having these dogs after this tragedy and in the end it is a tragedy for these dogs who just can't help being what they are and it is on their owner to bring them up properly, but if they are dangerous put them down before such a tragedy occours..... My fellow Slovene people I hope this tragedy was a good lesson for everybody.....

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